
How to choose a campsite?

  1. Flat ground .

When camping, it is good to build a campsite on the layers of deciduous forests or on the pine needles of the coniferous forests, some mineral-rich soils, sandy beaches or gravel piles by the water stream. Place, because these places are very flat. When people lie on a moisture-proof mat, they will find that sleeping on a hard and flat ground is much more comfortable than a soft but uneven ground.

  • High places.

 If you have different altitudes to choose from, then the ideal location should be a high place that can be protected from wind and rain, and cannot be flooded by mountain floods, and there will not be threatened by falling rocks and avalanches.

  • Drainage .

When choosing a campsite, the performance of drainage is very important, especially when there may be heavy downpours. Not only low-lying areas should be avoided, but also completely level ground should be avoided. Especially the kind of ground that has no cracks and is very compacted. This kind of ground will cause rainwater to have nowhere to flow and it is not easy to seep into the ground. At the end of the dry season, do not choose to camp on dry cobblestone rivers. A heavy rain may restore these places to a wide river. When traveling in the mountains, it is more important to find the highest water mark that the flood may reach.

  • Avoid mosquitoes.

 When choosing a camping site, you should be careful not to choose the side of a stagnant pond, dense grassland, and places where there may be stagnant water, which is where mosquitoes breed.

  • Near water.

 The campsite should choose a place close to the water source, so that it can not only ensure the water for cooking and drinking, but also provide water for washing. If it is far away from the water source, it will bring a lot of inconvenience and even danger to the camp. But in the deep mountains and dense forests, wild animals will be encountered close to the water source, so be careful.

  • Leeward .

The wind will quickly take away the heat from the human body, make people cold, and even cause illness. At the same time, the strong wind will sweep away the tent, at least it will disturb the people. It is more difficult to light a campfire, and it is difficult to guarantee cooking and heating, so the camp must be Take shelter from the wind. It is best to be on the leeward side of small hills, between forests or clearings beside forests, caves, sides of ridges and under rocks, etc.

  • Anti-beast.

 When building a camp, carefully observe whether there are beasts’ footprints, dung, and nests around the camp. Do not build in areas with many snakes and rats to prevent injury to people or damage to equipment and facilities. There must be anti-mosquito, insect, and scorpion medicines and protective measures. Sprinkling some plant ash around the camp will be very effective in preventing the infestation of snakes, scorpions, and poisonous insects.

  • Sunshine.

 The campsite should be chosen as long as possible in a place where the sunshine time is longer, so that the campsite will be warmer, dry, and clean, and it will be easier to dry clothes, articles and equipment.

Strictly remember a few “nos”:

  1. Do not place near water to avoid rising water.
  2. Don’t be under the cliff and avoid falling rocks.
  3. Don’t be in high convex places, avoid strong winds.
  4. Don’t be under an independent tree to avoid electric shock.

E. Don’t be in the grass or bushes to avoid snakes and insects.

Related: cheap camping tents and other accessories

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